Adding a Site in Your Managed WordPress Portal

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Note: The instructions in this tutorial are for the Managed WordPress Portal client, these instructions do not apply if you have a Liquid Web WordPress Server Optimized Template account.

Adding a site in Managed WordPress portal is an easy process that just takes a few steps. Whether you’re adding a site to get ready to migrate your site over to your dashboard or creating a site from scratch, the steps in this tutorial will walk you through how to add a new site to your dashboard.

  1. Log into your Managed WordPress portal.
  2. Click Create/Import New Site at the upper right-hand corner of the page. Create/Import New Site
    Managed WordPress plans have a maximum limit of sites allowed. You can see how many sites are left at the top of your portal home page. If you need to increase the number of sites, contact our Heroic Support team and they will be happy to help you.
  3. Enter the site nickname and your email address. Enter site information
    The site nickname (short name) is a nickname to help you organize your sites from the home page of your Managed WordPress portal.
  4. If you are creating this site from a stencil you made of another site, use the drop-down menu to choose the stencil you want to build from. choose the stencil
  5. Click on Create Site to start the creation process. Create Site
  6. Your site will begin creating. Install status
  7. When it is complete, you will see the new site added to the list on your home page. List of sites
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About the Author: Libby White

Former technical writer for Liquid Web. When Libby is not writing for work, she spends time learning more about digital & technical writing, web development, hanging with her family, and taking photographs with her Nikon. Always learning, always growing, never stopping.

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