How To Unblock Your IP Address in Manage

Posted on by dpepper
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Liquid Web has introduced a new feature designed to simplify the removal of errant IP address blocks in the firewall, and allow customers to quickly remove their own address from within their Manage dashboard. In this manner, customers can remove blocks on their IP addresses even when they are unable to access WebHost Manager itself due to the block.

Pre-Flight Check

  • The cPanel Quick IP Address Unblock feature is designed for servers using the ConfigServer Firewall (CSF).
  • The feature does not apply to any server utilizing a different firewall.
  • You must have access to your Manage dashboard to use the IP delist feature.
    Note: Customers with Dedicated, Storm, or VPS servers which are not currently using the CSF firewall can request an upgrade from support to take advantage of this Manage feature. There is no charge, it typically takes only a few minutes and the only service that needs to be restarted as a result is the firewall itself. Our support technicians also can port your existing APF rules to CSF. If requesting an upgrade, please be sure to indicate whether your server uses the Guardian backup service so that its rules also can be configured.

Step #1: Log into Your Manage Interface

  1. In Manage, click on the [+] next to your server’s hostname to expand its details.
  2. Now click on the Dashboard button to open the Server Dashboard.Dashboard

Step #2: Unblock the IP Address

  1. Click on the Network tab to bring up the Networking pane.
  2. You will see your current IP address, as reported by your web browser, prepopulated in the cPanel Quick IP Address Unblock field. If you wish to unblock a different IP address, simply replace the address shown in the field with the IP address you wish to unblock.
    If you’re attempting to unblock the IP address of a client, developer, or other party who does not know their public IPV4 address, you can direct them to to obtain their address for you.
  3. Click the Unblock IP button to attempt to automatically remove the IP address in the CSF firewall.Unblock
  4. The Unblock IP button will change to Working… while it attempts to delist the IP address. Once the process completes, you should see a banner indicating whether the delisting was successful.Success

Step #3: I Got Blocked Again. Why?

There are many reasons why an IP address can be blocked in the firewall, but the two most common are:

  • The use of an incorrect username or password combination when connecting to the server or a service such as email, ftp, ssh, or cPanel/WHM
  • A mod_security rule violation

If you are unable to determine the cause for the block, feel free to contact Heroic Support®. You also may wish to consult the following Knowledge Base articles:

Give us a call at 800.580.4985, or open a chat or ticket with us to speak with one of our knowledgeable Solutions or Experienced Hosting advisors to learn more about our VPS servers and how you can take advantage of these deals today!

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About the Author: dpepper

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