Upgrading to PHP 7 in Managed WordPress Portal

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Category: Managed WordPress | Tags: WordPress
Reading Time: 3 minutes

PHP 7 is the newest release of PHP, replacing PHP 5.6 and lower. It was released in December 2015 and as of January 2017 PHP 5.6 is End of Life. This means that PHP 5.6 is only being supported for security issues, no other support will be given. With this in mind, Managed WordPress Portal gives you an easy upgrade tool so that you can update your sites to PHP 7. The upgrade tool will scan your entire site and let you know if your site is compatible with the upgrade. If not, it will send you an email to let you know what to update in your site to make your upgrade seamless. We will walk you through upgrading to PHP 7.0 in this article.

  1. Log into your Managed WordPress Portal.
  2. Click on Manage Site to open the site you wish to upgrade to PHP 7.0.Manage Site
  3. In the Site Details section, you will see the PHP Version. PHP 5.6 will have a check mark next to it.Site Details section
  4. Click on 7.0 Stable to begin the upgrade process.7.0 Stable
  5. A pop-up will appear to confirm you want to upgrade. Click Change PHP Version to begin.Change PHP Version
  6. As the site is scanning compatibility and updating, a notice will show at the top of the page.Updating notice
  7. Once the scan is complete and PHP is upgraded to 7.0, the PHP 7.0 Stable section will show a check mark next to it.PHP 7.0 Stable section

Troubleshooting Upgrade Errors

If the scan determines that your site is not compatible with PHP 7.0, a notice will appear in a pop-up in your dashboard.Change PHP version

Note: The pop-up will notify you of the lines of code which need to be corrected in order to upgrade. This must be corrected before upgrading. Clicking Upgrade PHP Version in this pop-up will run the scan again.

You will also be notified via email of the upgrade issues. If you believe the error is incorrect and want to upgrade to PHP 7.0, contact our Heroic Support team and we will be happy to assist you!

Email notice about failed update

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About the Author: Libby White

Former technical writer for Liquid Web. When Libby is not writing for work, she spends time learning more about digital & technical writing, web development, hanging with her family, and taking photographs with her Nikon. Always learning, always growing, never stopping.

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